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    Holiday Notice for New Year's Day in 2022

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    The New Year's Day in 2022 is approaching. According to the holiday regulations of the General Office of the State Council, and combined with the company's actual situation, the New Year's Day holiday arrangements are hereby notified as follows:

    Holiday time: 2 days from January 1, 2022 to January 2, 2022.

    Working hours: normal work on January 3 (Monday).


    Partners who need to stock up please place an order in advance! So as not to delay delivery!

    No shipments during the holidays, normal orders!

    Origin of New Year's Day

    In China, New Year's Day is a holiday set by people to celebrate the first day of the new year. The date is January 1 of the Gregorian calendar.

    New Year's Day marks the arrival of the new year. Ancient Chinese dynasties will hold celebrations, ceremonies and prayers on New Year's Day. The folks have gradually formed worship to the gods and Buddhas, ancestors, post Spring Festival couplets, set off firecrackers, watch the year, eat reunion dinners, etc. Entertainment and celebration activities.

    At present, the epidemic of new crown pneumonia in many countries is still spreading, and epidemics in China occur from time to time. The situation of epidemic prevention and control is still complicated and severe, especially when New Year's Day is approaching, there are frequent movement of people and more gatherings during the holiday season.



    Do a good job of protection in public places

    It is advisable to travel within the province and book tickets online. Personal protection must be regulated throughout the journey, queuing to observe the one-meter line, and consciously cooperating with scenic spots to take measures such as temperature measurement, bright code, current limit, and wearing masks. Try to avoid activities in crowded, confined spaces, and poorly ventilated places.

    It is advisable to travel within the province and book tickets online. Personal protection must be regulated throughout the journey, queuing to observe the one-meter line, and consciously cooperating with scenic spots to take measures such as temperature measurement, bright code, current limit, and wearing masks. Try to avoid activities in crowded, confined spaces, and poorly ventilated places.

    We should wash our hands frequently, stay away from crowded places, and consciously abide by local epidemic prevention measures. When we are in public places such as shopping malls, supermarkets, hotels, theaters, buses, etc., we cooperate with measures such as temperature measurement, code brightening, wearing masks, and maintaining safe social distance. When watching performances and movies, you should be seated and keep a safe distance.

    When we are in the scenic area, we should obey the one-meter line when picking up tickets, and consciously cooperate with the scenic area to take preventive and control measures such as temperature measurement, bright code, wearing masks, and current limiting.


    Do a good job of personal health monitoring

    If you experience suspicious symptoms such as fever and dry cough before traveling, you should cancel your travel plan and seek medical attention as soon as possible; if you experience the above suspicious symptoms during the trip, you should seek medical treatment at the nearest medical institution as soon as possible.

    After returning from travel, pay close attention to the health of yourself and your family members. If your close contacts develop suspicious symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, etc., you should wear a mask and go to the fever clinic of a nearby hospital in time. Do not use your own medicine to avoid delay in diagnosis and treatment. It is not recommended to take public transportation during treatment.

    Pay attention to the real-time epidemic changes in travel destinations. If there is a risk level change, take the initiative to report to the community and the unit, and cooperate with corresponding control measures.

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